How to Get Straight Talk Network Unlock Code for Free?

Learn how to get your Straight Talk unlock code and liberate your phone from network restrictions. This guide provides all the details you need to make the switch.

This article is dedicated to everyone with Straight Talk phones or potential Straight Talk phone customers who wish to know the best way to get their unlock codes.

First, let me clear the myth about straight-talk phones - that you can't unlock them. Trust me. It is possible and super easy.

You can permanently unlock your Straight-Talk-locked phone and roam the networks on the best unlocking sites.

You don't even need to do the research. Don't sweat it.

We are going through them all. By the end of this article, you will have your Straight Talk unlock codes.

Stay in touch.

What is Straight Talk Unlock Code?

Straight Talk phones are locked upon purchase. This means you are not allowed to use any network other than the one on your phone already - Straight Talk.

How do you get around this?

You will need Straight Talk unlock codes to unlock your phone, especially for Android users. That's because iPhones are remotely unlocked.

Once you feed the code unlock code into your phone, you can use any network you choose.

So how do you get these precious codes? Don't brood; I got you.

2 Best Ways to Get Straight Talk Unlock Codes

Thanks to innovative tech, you have multiple ways of getting Straight Talk unlock codes. Below are the certified methods; tested, confirmed, and reviewed.

Unlocking your phone is a blessing, but only if you employ the services of an accredited cellphone unlock website or method.

The best services for Straight Talk unlock codes are:

  1. DirectUnlocks
  2. IMEI Now

Let's dive in.

#1. DirectUnlocks


DirectUnlocks is the best way of unlocking your Straight Talk. Let me tell you why.

Directulocks is legally approved to unlock all phones by the authorities. On top of that, your phone warranty remains honorable afterward.

Ditch the misconceptions about third-party unlock sites; DirectUnlocks permanently unlocks your Straight Talk phone.

It only takes 6 hours for Android phones and 24 hours for iPhones. The icing on the cake is that you can still use your phone as the service does its thing in the background.

This is how to get Straight Talk unlock codes on DirectUnlocks:

Enter the Required Phone Information.

Key in your phone's IMEI number.

Enter Your IMEI

You can find your IMEI number on your phone Settings>About phone, or simply dial *#06# on your phone.

Pay for the Service

Only a few dollars lie between you and your Straight Talk unlock codes. You can make the necessary payments via credit card or debit card.

On the bright side, DirectUnlocks is the only unlock site accepting payment in Bitcoins.

After payment, the process will begin remotely. It takes 6 hours to receive the unlock codes for your Android phone and 24 hours to unlock your iPhone remotely.

The stipulated duration extends if you fail to make total payments or submit the wrong phone information.

Your Phone Is Ready

You will receive a confirmation text message or email after the whole operation is successful.

Now let's explore your other options.

#2. CellUnlocks


Apart from DirectUnlocks, CellUnlocks is another alternative to get Straight Talk unlock codes.

CellUnlocks is a third-party unlocking site that can unlock any type of locked phone, provided it is not flagged for fraud or theft.

As the name goes, the primary requirement for this service to unlock your phone is your phone's IMEI number.

You will be requested to pay a fee, and the process will start running remotely in the background.

The other viable option is to contact your service provider - Straight Talk and talk straight with their assistants.

How to Get Straight Talk Network Unlock Code for Free?

If you are not buying the third-party site's idea and still want to unlock your phone, contact your service provider.

Straight Talk will unlock your phone if you meet their stipulated requirements. Let's check out these unlock policies before proceeding to the unlocking procedure.

Requirements for Unlocking Your Phone by Straight Talk

Before Straight Talk unlocks your prepaid or postpaid phone; your phone must:

  1. Be free of theft or fraud flags
  2. Be in good working condition.
  3. Clear all outstanding balances on your Straight Talk account
  4. Be active on Straight Talk for at least 12 months.

If your phone ticks all the boxes above, it is eligible for unlocking by Straight Talk. Now let us get to the fun part.

How to Get Unlock Codes on Straight Talk


After confirming your phone's eligibility, we can now get the Straight Talk unlock code.

Find Your IMEI Number

The unlock process cannot proceed without your IMEI number, so keep it around or jot it somewhere you can find it easily.

To be safe, dial *#06# or find it in your Settings>About phone.

Contact Straight Talk

After finding your IMEI number, contact Straight Talk and inform them of your motive. Provide your IMEI number and other required details.

You can contact them by calling 888 442 5102 any day of the week between 8:00 am and 11: 45 pm.

Verify Your Phone Details

After giving out your phone information, the Straight Talk representative confirms that you provided the correct information and that your phone meets the eligibility criteria.

Unlocking Process

After confirming your details and eligibility, Straight Talk unlocks your phone. When the process is complete, you will receive the unlock codes through your email.

This process is very straightforward, but it also has some drawbacks.

Disadvantages of This Way

Unlocking your phone through this process is success guaranteed. Still, it has the following disadvantages:

Has Many Requirements

Before setting you free, your phone must meet Straight Talk's numerous eligibility requirements for unlocking.

Other third-party sites have few conditions, including the necessary payment. Also, your phone should be free of fraud or theft flags.

High Roaming Expenses

The unlocking process is free, but you will still incur the tariff expenses as you wait for your phone to be eligible.

If you travel a lot, be prepared to incur the same roaming charges you've been used to until the 12-month expiry.

Long Procedure

This unlock process is slightly longer than using third-party websites. Straight Talk's long procedure requires that you confirm your eligibility before calling.

During the call, the virtual assistant confirms your phone eligibility again, and you are subject to many questions to verify ownership of your phone.


You must wait 12 months before you are eligible for unlock by Straight Talk.

When you do, you still have to call your service provider and go through numerous processes before they send you unlock codes. This process is time-consuming.

Now that you have the Straight Talk Unlock codes. What do you do with them?

Further reading: How Straight Talk Customer Service Unlock a Phone?

Unlock Your Straight Talk without Unlock Code - Not Recommended

The other alternative method of unlocking your phone requires downloadable unlock software.

It is a DIY process that requires you to connect your phone using a USB cable to a computer with the unlocking software.

This process is slightly cheaper than unlocking sites since you only need to pay a subscription fee to use the reusable software.

The only downside is that unlock software is associated with some risks. Your phone can easily attract malware, and sometimes it gets a jailbreak.

How to Use Straight Unlock Codes

Your phone remains locked even after receiving the unlock codes, but the final step is breezy.

Find a New Sim Card

Get a new sim card from a network of choice. Switch off your phone and replace your old sim card with the new one.

Switch on Your Phone

You will receive a confirmation message asking if you wish to enter the unlock code.

Enter the unlock codes, then press OK. Confirm the process is successful by making a phone call on your new line.

Final Thoughts

Thanks to third-party sites, you can buy a locked phone and unlock it stress-free. When you do, you can shift to any network you choose.

If you don't wish to go through the numerous Straight Talk eligibility procedures, you know that unlock sites like DirectUnlocks, have your back.

Enjoy the spoils of technology.

To obtain your 15 digit IMEI number, dial *#06# on your phone or go to Settings >> About